So last week I stayed up in London with my sister. I had a great time, used the tube for the first time ever by myself! It was pretty nerve wracking the first day because I was petrified I'd got on the wrong tube but luckily I could breathe a sigh of relief when I arrived at Oxford Circus!
So I practically spent all week on Oxford Street, and even got to check out the new Forever 21 (which is DIVINE) and Pinkberry which opened whilst I was there in Selfridges.
Anyway, due to my lack of money, I didn't really buy anything exciting worth blogging about. I got a t-shirt from Topman for my boyfriend which we've been hunting down forever. The shop assistant had to go to the stock room and found one in a size too big but I don't care, I had to get it! It's the last one on sale in the UK too so hopefully we can just shrink it a bit in the wash....
I also bought a skirt from Forever 21 which is really nice, something a
bit different for me. I got it inthe smallest size available but it's a bit big for me... Hopefully my mum will be able to fix it.
And I also bought a cream blush from Topshop in
Head Over Heels. I went to the make-up section on the Monday and they had
Neon Rose which I've wanted for ages. So I thought I'd wait until a few days later to buy it but I came back and it had gone. Luckily the colour I bought is very similar.
Anyway, on with the pictures of my changing rooms adventures!
Apologies for the awful picture quality, I only took these on my BlackBerry. Oh and also apologies for my horrible legs, I'm not exactly blessed with the best thighs.
The shorts are already mine (£20, New Look, bargain) but these are two of the tops I tried on whilst at Topshop on the first day. I do have a picture of me trying on a skirt but I'm in my bra and, well, nobody wants to see that.
LOVE the grey t-shirt, I've had my eye on it for ages now. Wish I had the money to buy it, it was only £18!
This playsuit from Urban Outfitters was something a bit different for me. If I had an endless supply of money, I definitely would have picked this up. I also really like this dress. Again, it's something a bit different for me - Peter Pan collar and all. It's very pretty though, don't you think?
So Forever 21 has just opened in Oxford Street in London and I was
very excited to go there. The shop is absolutely beautiful. It's three storeys high: the bottom 2 for clothes and the top floor for accessories, jewellery, shoes, pyjamas, lingerie, and a few other clothes that didn't fit downstairs. Each section of the store is split into sections e.g. thrift, vintage, street, etc etc. There's SO many clothes, it's difficult to know where to start first, I was just picking everything up! They have some really gorgeous clothes, and I do think that it's a very
me shop. I get so disappointed a bored with a lot of what the rest of the high street has to offer and this just seems like the perfect alternative. These are some of the clothes I tried on - the queue for the changing rooms was ridiculous! The cammel coloured skirt is what I bought though I'm still a bit unsure of it now... oh well. It was only £10.50 which I think is a ridiculous bargain! A lot of people seem to be comparing it to Primark which I think is a bit of an unfair comparison. If anything, it's more like the pricing of H&M though when it comes to the clothes I think it's incomparable. There's nothing like it out there.

On the Wednesday Pinkberry opened in Selfridges. If you've never heard of Pinkberry, it's an LA based brand that sells frozen yoghurt with different delicious and healthy toppings. I was so excited, although I'm going to LA in a few weeks and will no doubt find a Pinkberry there, to be able to try one in London was great. I had an original with toppings which cost me £4.90 - a bit over priced I think but you could have as many toppings as you wanted) which I topped with strawberries, raspberries, kiwi and blueberries. It was absolutely delicious, I swear. I could eat it again and again and again. And it's also a much healthier alternative to ice-cream at only 90 calories (not including the toppings). AMAZING!
This is an Aztec dress that was in the sale from All Saints. When I got home I found out my style icon, Ashley Tisdale, had worn this exact dress to a movie premiere the night before! Amazing!
Black body-con dress from French Connection....
This was in H&M which I never usually like. I find it a bit overrated and dull. You can never find anything decent in there really, but I guess it's a good place to go and get basics from at a reasonable price. Maybe that's why I don't like it - I'm not a basic person!
The black dress was far too big for me, it felt very loose and baggy and I looked like a frumpy school girl I felt,even though the dress is quite nice anyway. It's much too warm to be wearing a dress like this now anyway, the material was so thick!
I really, really, really wish I bought this second outfit. The black racer back vest top which had suede detailing on the back, was only £7.99 and this floral skirt which I was unsure about at first was also only £7.99. It's a simple outfit but I really liked it, it's very me but who cares, that's a good thing! I can't find the skirt online so I'll have to pop into H&M when I next have enough money.
This jumper looks a bit silly on me, I don't know if it's meant to be so baggy but it felt huge on me - and it was a size 8. Not too sure about it anyway. You can't see but in the picture I was also wearing a really cool pair of black leggings with black suede pannels on that I fell in love with. I'll have to go back and get them too!
I also tried on a gorgeous pair of boots which can be found
here (though the picture doesn't do the boots justice). I think they're so nice, though I don't think I'd be able to wear them every day for college seeing as they have heels and the journey to and from college is a 4 mile walk, plus extra walking around the massive college site. Might settle on
these cute fringe boots as well.
Random picture of my M&S lunch.... the feta and roasted tomato pasta salad is to die for - everyone has to try it out! Oh and of course, I'm still a child at heart, buying Percy Pigs...
MASSIVE Topshop trying-on-clothes spree! I genuinely love the daisy/flower print navy dress but it was £38 or something which I thought was totally outrageous for a little cotton dress which I could probably find cheaper in Primark... Also the pink dress in the same style was so cool to try on, I've been looking at these dresses for ages and to finally be able to try one on felt awesome haha. It was quite tight but I felt very posh in it. Perfect for a posh family event I think.
The tops weren't really my style, though they were very nice. Unfortunately due to my obsession with florescent coloured bras, you could totally see my bra through the white tops.... cringe.
The last three dresses were from the bottom floor of Topshop on Oxford Dtreet which is where all the brands are. The purple one is from Rare which I've been wanting to try on for a life time. They only had it in a size 10 so I thought I'd give it a go but it was far too big and make me look completely flat chested. The last two dresses made me feel so girly haha. I prefer the second one, it's so elegant and simple. I can't remember what the brand was called but I wish I had bought one of their dresses for my prom last year - it would have been perfect!!
Finally this is my Tequila Sunrise when my sister treated me to a TGI's in Covent Garden. I haven't had tequila since when I went to Nice so it felt so good to be drinking it again! Haha! So, so yummy. I also had a hamburger which completely filled me up but was really good.
So all in all, that was my London trip! I have a few other more personal pictures that I might post later but I thought this would be the most interesting for you to read/see. If you have any further questions about anything I'm wearing then please don't hesitate to ask in the comment section below and I'll try my best to answer you.
Lucy xxx