-Motivational posts
-Heath & Fitness talks and tips
-What it's really like to be a student at university....
-Plus more.....
I genuinely haven't forgotten this blog and my readers, I'm coming at you very soon.....! So keep your eyes peeled...
Lucy xxx
Monday, 11 February 2013
Friday, 18 January 2013
2012 was a rather odd but incredibly prominent year for me. If I'm honest it was pretty awful. A lot of things happened and I changed a great deal. In a way, I wish to never have to look back at 2012 ever again, but I know that really, despite the many ups and many, many, many downs I faced, I should take everything from it and learn from it. I feel I'm certainly doing that at the moment. It may be only a few weeks into 2013 but I've totally made a transformation. I've made some serious lifestyle changes and I'm proud to say I'm sticking to them. 2013 needs to be a year where I can look back at the end and be really proud of myself for turning things around and being a better person in many ways than I was in 2012. 
The year started with a bit of a drunken mess bang, with people who I thought would make my year incredible but I unfortunately had to learn that wasn't how things were meant to be....
In early February a group of friends and i got summer plans going by booking a lovely two week holiday away to Portugal...

An evening of glamour with some lovely friends. You can clearly see that Lana Del Rey was having more than a little bit of an influence over me. It may sound silly but she's definitely had an impact on my 2012, though I'm incredibly grateful for it as her music has helped me through many a time.
I celebrated my 18th birthday with a boy who really was... well a boy... this was probably a happier time in our relationship.... a nice, quiet evening for us.
My first legal drink. Keeping it classy with Rosé!
Was a very lucky girl and received this beautiful bad boy for my birthday. I love me some Marc Jacobs!
Beyoncé and Britney take over Starbucks. This is my lovely friend Maya who I've known since I was 11, and is still proving to be a stellar friend today.
I ate far too many of these throughout the year! Though perhaps some would say not enough.....
July came around thick and fast and it was off to sunny Portugal for two weeks. The beginning of an end for me.
I wasn't drinking whilst we went away but did have a few cheeky non-alcoholic drinks anyway.
This picture is a real bag of mixed emotions for me. It's bittersweet. This is taken with Sammy, a lovely girl who really was great with me when we went to Portugal and this was taken on our last night there. This was literally right before BIG changes began in my life, mainly to get everything back on track again. I could have used a different picture to show what I'm referencing to here, perhaps one that's slightly more obvious but those images are some that haunt me and I'm not quite sure I'm ready or ever will be to share those particularly images. This was a time when I was incredibly anxious and nervous about the things that were to change but also desperate for that change too.
After some incredibly difficult news, I received some incredible news that my hard work over the summer had paid off and I had been accepted into University! Receiving an A and three B's (and that A was in Philosophy, thank you very much!), I was over the moon and incredibly proud of myself.
So we celebrated with champagne and smoked salmon canapés....
....And a lovely meal out with my fabulous and incredible mother. Things were looking up!
I took a lovely little break to London to see my sister. This was taken whilst 'pedalo-ing' in Hyde Park, something I highly recommend when the weather's nice in London! Oh and it's a great legs and bum workout too.
All grown up and moving away from home and up to Bath for University. It most certainly hasn't looked that neat and tidy for some time!
Made some friends with a couple of cows at Uni....
Mingled with the stars one evening. Jack Whitehall and Rupert Everett at the theatre.
Here is one of the reasons why I simply love Bath. Christmastime in the city is magical. Definitely check out the Christmas Market at the end of the year if you get the chance, it's incredible!
Came home for Christmas and back to the open arms of my family. Clearly the Christmas tree needed the magic touch of Lucy, it looks pants here!
Spent Christmas day wrapped up in this snuggly beast...
...and this little creature was quite the fan of it too.
I look at those pictures and it seems like last year was a bit of a nothing year for me but it really wasn't. There are hardly any pictures of me and I'm glad there aren't because they most certainty wouldn't have been pretty. Last year was huge but quiet at the same time. So that's why I'm moving on to bigger and better things. 2013 is going to be a fabulous year, and I will make sure of it!
As I said earlier, I've already started making some pretty big lifestyle changes because things are going to get better for me. I've got a job that I absolutely love, despite how exhausting it is and have met some unforgettable people there already. At University, I'm taking things slowly for the rest of this academic year in order to get myself feeling prepared and will start September as a second year Film student which I'm so excited for. At the gym I'm really pushing myself and the hard work and effort is really paying off. I'm eating the healthiest I ever have, never depriving myself, but filling myself with goodness which is doing wonders in so many ways. And these small changes are all because I saw how things were last year and I'm learning from the mistakes I've made. Who knows what will happen by the end of the year. I'm setting no expectations, and am just going with it, with hope that the outcome will result in a very happy Lucy at the end of 2013.
As I said earlier, I've already started making some pretty big lifestyle changes because things are going to get better for me. I've got a job that I absolutely love, despite how exhausting it is and have met some unforgettable people there already. At University, I'm taking things slowly for the rest of this academic year in order to get myself feeling prepared and will start September as a second year Film student which I'm so excited for. At the gym I'm really pushing myself and the hard work and effort is really paying off. I'm eating the healthiest I ever have, never depriving myself, but filling myself with goodness which is doing wonders in so many ways. And these small changes are all because I saw how things were last year and I'm learning from the mistakes I've made. Who knows what will happen by the end of the year. I'm setting no expectations, and am just going with it, with hope that the outcome will result in a very happy Lucy at the end of 2013.
Lucy xxx
It's been quite a while hasn't it? Some of you will probably see this and not even realise you follow me, but hello anyway!
I've never known if I'd get into this whole blogging business but due to some recent changes in my life, I feel like now is a good time to try and really get into this all again.
Now, I'll definitely admit, one of the big, BIG things holding me back from really blogging was I definitely felt like I needed to try and be successful and be like all those 'big' and 'known' bloggers. You know the ones I mean - the girls who do the outfit of the day posts, do reviews of the latest make-up must have, post hauls etc etc etc. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy their blogs (well most of them anyway) but if I'm being completely honest, I don't ever want to post about those sort of things. It's a lot of effort and time and MONEY! Seriously, the expectations to have a new outfit every post must not leave you with a very healthy bank balance I swear.
However in the past six/seven months I've discovered 'bloggers' (kinda hate that word but there is no alternative) that I felt I could genuinely relate to, they posted interesting things such as their day to day lives or recipes or trips they'd been on etc. And generally they just have a more relaxed vibe and don't seem to put pressure on themselves to post every single day with tonnes of pictures etc. They seem to blog because they enjoy it and write about things in their lives that matter to them.
And that's exactly what I want to do. I don't want to feel pressured to write and take pictures, I want to have my own little slice of the internet which can be my world where I can write things that genuinely matter to me. To have a blog that I want to read and be proud of!
So this is no specific blog. There is no specific theme, but it is exactly what it says on the tin: 'The Lucy Diaries'. Well, I say exactly, I'm not going to be sharing my deepest and darkest secrets like you may expect to find in a private diary. But instead I'm giving you me. My life. However much of it I wish to share with you. I do hope it will be interesting, though the only way I'll know that is if I actually start to enjoy using this little blog!
We could be in for a bumpy ride - hey that's what life's all about - and we most certainly could be in for a bit of a disaster, however fingers crossed this could be quite nice...
Lucy xxx
I've never known if I'd get into this whole blogging business but due to some recent changes in my life, I feel like now is a good time to try and really get into this all again.
Now, I'll definitely admit, one of the big, BIG things holding me back from really blogging was I definitely felt like I needed to try and be successful and be like all those 'big' and 'known' bloggers. You know the ones I mean - the girls who do the outfit of the day posts, do reviews of the latest make-up must have, post hauls etc etc etc. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy their blogs (well most of them anyway) but if I'm being completely honest, I don't ever want to post about those sort of things. It's a lot of effort and time and MONEY! Seriously, the expectations to have a new outfit every post must not leave you with a very healthy bank balance I swear.
However in the past six/seven months I've discovered 'bloggers' (kinda hate that word but there is no alternative) that I felt I could genuinely relate to, they posted interesting things such as their day to day lives or recipes or trips they'd been on etc. And generally they just have a more relaxed vibe and don't seem to put pressure on themselves to post every single day with tonnes of pictures etc. They seem to blog because they enjoy it and write about things in their lives that matter to them.
And that's exactly what I want to do. I don't want to feel pressured to write and take pictures, I want to have my own little slice of the internet which can be my world where I can write things that genuinely matter to me. To have a blog that I want to read and be proud of!
So this is no specific blog. There is no specific theme, but it is exactly what it says on the tin: 'The Lucy Diaries'. Well, I say exactly, I'm not going to be sharing my deepest and darkest secrets like you may expect to find in a private diary. But instead I'm giving you me. My life. However much of it I wish to share with you. I do hope it will be interesting, though the only way I'll know that is if I actually start to enjoy using this little blog!
We could be in for a bumpy ride - hey that's what life's all about - and we most certainly could be in for a bit of a disaster, however fingers crossed this could be quite nice...
Lucy xxx
Monday, 23 July 2012
Real Techniques: The Core Collection & Starter Set
Groan, not another Real Techniques brush post... I don't consider myself a "beauty blogger" at all, nor am I a professional make-up artist. I am simply a teenage girl who just enjoys putting on make-up - easy as that! I recently sold my old mobile phone and with the money I received for it I could afford to treat myself on these brushes I've been coveting after for quite some time. The Pixiwoo girls (Samantha and Nicola Chapman), if you don't know are two professional make-up artists who also have their own YouTube channel where they provide easy to follow make-up looks. I've always lusted after the gorgeous brushes that Samantha created with Real Techniques so when they were launched in Boots earlier this year, I've been waiting for the day when I could finally pick them up! I initially purchased the Stippling Brush back in April and have been using it for my foundation. I've loved using it however recently have found it can leave faint streaks on my face so I tend to smooth them out with my fingers. So I felt it was time to purchase these new brushes to improve my complexion. At £21.99 each for these two kits, as a student this feels like an awful lot of money to spend on make-up brushes. I've never really been one for make-up brushes, simply using my fingers for foundation and cream blush and creamy based eye shadows. However these brushes are actually an excellent investment as each brush has multi-purposes and are also incredibly good quality.
The Core Collection is a set of four make-up brushes used primarily for your face. From left to right we have the Contour Brush, Pointed Foundation Brush, Detailer Brush and Buffing Brush. Out of all four of these I doubt I'll find much use from the Pointed Foundation Brush, simply because instead for foundation I find the Buffing Brush is pretty fabulous. It's so incredibly soft and large enough to pick up the right amount of product to cover your entire face. I could maybe use the Pointed Foundation Brush for concealer but I'm not sure. I tried out the Detailer Brush for my concealer and found it blends it in like a dream and is great for any size blemish or for blending in any under eye concealer. Finally, the Contour Brush is something I've been really eager to try for some time. I've really wanted to get into using bronzer and as my mum kindly gave me a freebie bronzer from Clarins she got recently, put two and two together and you get a very happy Lucy! It fits perfectly into the contours of my cheeks and like all the their brushes in the collection is so incredibly soft so it feels heavenly to apply.
Overall, I'm pleased with this set of brushes and really feel I've got a great collection of brushes to achieve a flawless base for my make-up. My only quiver is the Pointed Foundation Brush because as a stingy student, I hate knowing I've not got my money's worth. However fingers crossed over time as I become more and more confident with make-up application, I'll find a use for it...
This set of brushes are known as the Starter Set, ideal for anyone who needs a couple of basic eye make-up brushes. I've never been one for eye shadow, occasionally using my BeneFit Smokin' Eyes set or a random creamy eye shadow that's lying around in my room, though if I'm honest I'm just an eyeliner and mascara kind of girl. However, I've been really keen to experiment a bit more with make-up, particularly for the eyes. From left to right we have the Deluxe Crease Brush, Base Shadow Brush, Accent Brush, Pixel-Point Eyeliner Brush and Brow Brush. As with all of Real Techniques' brushes, they are all incredibly soft and feel of excellent quality. I found some random Marks and Spencer and Next eye shadow sets from Christmas stockings a few years ago, both of which look like dupes for the NAKED palettes! I simply did an everyday brown smokey-ish eye look with the brushes and found them all incredibly easy to use and was impressed with the results. The only brush I didn't use was the Pixel-Point Eyeliner Brush simply because I wasn't really in the mood for eyeliner and it also seems quite thick - not exactly "Pixel-Pointed" like it claims.... however I'll definitely give it a try, I just think I'll get quite a thick line from it. There's really not much else to say about this set other than it really is great and if a total eye shadow novice like myself can use it, anyone can!
So I hope you found this post interesting and useful. I do whole-heartedly believe these are great investment purchases, especially if you're into make-up. Most kits like these would cost a fortune from other brands and the fact you're getting really good quality brushes for the price is fantastic.
Do you have any of the Real Techniques brushes? If so, which are your favourite? Or are you interested in purchasing any of the brushes? As always, leave your comments as I always love to hear from you!
Lucy xxx
The Core Collection is a set of four make-up brushes used primarily for your face. From left to right we have the Contour Brush, Pointed Foundation Brush, Detailer Brush and Buffing Brush. Out of all four of these I doubt I'll find much use from the Pointed Foundation Brush, simply because instead for foundation I find the Buffing Brush is pretty fabulous. It's so incredibly soft and large enough to pick up the right amount of product to cover your entire face. I could maybe use the Pointed Foundation Brush for concealer but I'm not sure. I tried out the Detailer Brush for my concealer and found it blends it in like a dream and is great for any size blemish or for blending in any under eye concealer. Finally, the Contour Brush is something I've been really eager to try for some time. I've really wanted to get into using bronzer and as my mum kindly gave me a freebie bronzer from Clarins she got recently, put two and two together and you get a very happy Lucy! It fits perfectly into the contours of my cheeks and like all the their brushes in the collection is so incredibly soft so it feels heavenly to apply.
Overall, I'm pleased with this set of brushes and really feel I've got a great collection of brushes to achieve a flawless base for my make-up. My only quiver is the Pointed Foundation Brush because as a stingy student, I hate knowing I've not got my money's worth. However fingers crossed over time as I become more and more confident with make-up application, I'll find a use for it...
This set of brushes are known as the Starter Set, ideal for anyone who needs a couple of basic eye make-up brushes. I've never been one for eye shadow, occasionally using my BeneFit Smokin' Eyes set or a random creamy eye shadow that's lying around in my room, though if I'm honest I'm just an eyeliner and mascara kind of girl. However, I've been really keen to experiment a bit more with make-up, particularly for the eyes. From left to right we have the Deluxe Crease Brush, Base Shadow Brush, Accent Brush, Pixel-Point Eyeliner Brush and Brow Brush. As with all of Real Techniques' brushes, they are all incredibly soft and feel of excellent quality. I found some random Marks and Spencer and Next eye shadow sets from Christmas stockings a few years ago, both of which look like dupes for the NAKED palettes! I simply did an everyday brown smokey-ish eye look with the brushes and found them all incredibly easy to use and was impressed with the results. The only brush I didn't use was the Pixel-Point Eyeliner Brush simply because I wasn't really in the mood for eyeliner and it also seems quite thick - not exactly "Pixel-Pointed" like it claims.... however I'll definitely give it a try, I just think I'll get quite a thick line from it. There's really not much else to say about this set other than it really is great and if a total eye shadow novice like myself can use it, anyone can!
So I hope you found this post interesting and useful. I do whole-heartedly believe these are great investment purchases, especially if you're into make-up. Most kits like these would cost a fortune from other brands and the fact you're getting really good quality brushes for the price is fantastic.
Do you have any of the Real Techniques brushes? If so, which are your favourite? Or are you interested in purchasing any of the brushes? As always, leave your comments as I always love to hear from you!
Lucy xxx
Tuesday, 17 July 2012
Topshop Makeup
I, like many others, adore Topshop make-up. I'll admit, I don't really have a great deal, in fact I think I've only ever purchased three items from their range before (though two of them being the same product). However whenever I pop in to do a bit of shopping or browsing, I can't help but lust after the pretty nail varnish colours and lipsticks, blushes, eye shadows and other beauty products. With their cute packaging, adorable names and affordable prices, there's really nothing not to like.
I recently popped into Topshop as I had some gift vouchers I kindly received for my birthday back in March that needed spending. I decided the make-up would be my best bet on getting full use out of the vouchers, despite a very tempting sale section!
I recently popped into Topshop as I had some gift vouchers I kindly received for my birthday back in March that needed spending. I decided the make-up would be my best bet on getting full use out of the vouchers, despite a very tempting sale section!
Without a doubt I was in dire need of a repurchase of their cream blush, Head Over Heels. I last bought
it back in July last summer and since then it has been my everyday blush. Now,
with only a tiny amount left in the pan I thought there was no way I could leave
without it. Described as a coral colour which is a "Lightweight cream to powder blush that melts into the skin giving a natural luminous, radiant finish. Smile and brush onto apples of cheeks for a rosy glow."
I truly adore this colour, it's so pretty and really brightens my complexion. I
apply it with my fingers as I find that's the best way to get a natural finish
and a 'just-pinched' cheek look. At only £6, a product that truly lasts a long
time and also comes with a little mirror, you cannot doubt that this is a
fantastic product.
The next product is something I have been desperate to get my
hands (and lips!) on for quite some time. I was browsing the Topshop website a
while back and this truly fabulous looking lipstick look right up my street. Tease, which is described as a
Barbie Pink, there's no way I couldn't have this, especially as a big pink and
Barbie (shh...) lover! This really is a great lipstick. It applies like a dream
and has between a matte and creamy finish. I would recommend that if you have
dry lips you give them a good scrub to exfoliate away any dead skin and keep
them moisturised before applying as you may find the lipstick clings to the
dead skin. Despite that, it gives a great bright pink pop of colour to your
lips. It's a blue toned pink so no yellow teeth here! I'm so thrilled with this
lipstick and will happily include this as part of my daily make-up routine.
It's £8 which I think is pretty reasonable for a high street lipstick.
So, what are your Topshop make-up must haves? Do you have any recommendations? I'd love to hear from you in the comments section below.
Lucy xxx
Lucy xxx
head over heels,
make up,
topshop make up,
Topshop make-up
Saturday, 14 July 2012
Weekend Wishlist (14/07/12)
1. This fur collar quilted leather jacket from Topshop is to die for, isn't it?! I've been desperate for a really great, staple leather jacket for some time now but have never found one that suits me. The shape is always odd for my body or it just isn't flattering or it's just too expensive! Sigh... however this is £58 which I think is reasonable, especially for Topshop. I really like the fur collar, though it's also removable. I'll definitely try and search for this bad boy when I'm in Topshop next.
2. All the shops are previewing their Autumn/Winter12 collections right now which is slightly depressing seeing as the British summer just hasn't really turned up, or it did briefly a few months ago. I guess we just have to grin and bear it and spend the rest of the year in jumpers now! So I spotted this cosy looking loose knit coral jumper from River Island and think it's incredibly...me! Unfortunately it's not available in my size or any bigger sizes that would be acceptable to wear without making me look like I've drowned in knitwear, so I guess I'll have to go to the shop or wait and see if it comes back in stock online.
3. These boots look exactly the same as those Topshop boots everyone had last year though at only £45 they are a total bargain version and I think much nicer. Well done Topshop, you're really impressing at the moment! Need to get my feet in these asap.
4. I've heard many people absolutely rave about this Stila "In The Light" eye shadow palette. The shades look very wearable, plus it comes with an eyeliner which is apparently very good too. It's currently £25 on ASOS. I'm not sure if I'll doing everything I can to get my hands on it but if it goes down in price or the opportunity arises when I think "why not?!" then I'll definitely make a purchase. Very pretty though, all the same.
5. I saw this gorgeous new colour nail varnish on the Topshop website a few weeks ago and it looks like the ultimate nail colour for the summer - perfect with a tan or on your toes with some pretty sandals in. I adore the name - Helter Skelter - how cute and retro fun-fair sounding is that? It's only £5 so I think once I've returned from Portugal in two weeks with - fingers crossed - a nice tan, I'll go and pick this up to go with it!
6. The last item on my Weekend Wishlist is this to-die-for plaited shopper with studs from Zara. I spotted it in the Women's new collection in the 'Advanced' section - so the A/W12 collection. They've brought out many different variants of this bag and although I've seen some fantastic looking dupes on eBay, there's nothing quite like the real thing. I'm a sucker for anything with studs and I'm a total sucker for Zara, and a new handbag. However, at £129, I don't think I could quite cope with spending that much on a handbag, no matter how gorgeous it is. So perhaps it's just going to have to stay in my wishlist....sob.
I hope you all have a fab weekend. Got anything exciting planned? I'm going to do some last minute holiday preparations, hit the gym a couple of times and probably start packing my suitcase for sunny Portugal!
Let me know what you think about the items on my wishlist in the comments section, I really do love to hear from you!
Lucy xxx
I hope you all have a fab weekend. Got anything exciting planned? I'm going to do some last minute holiday preparations, hit the gym a couple of times and probably start packing my suitcase for sunny Portugal!
Let me know what you think about the items on my wishlist in the comments section, I really do love to hear from you!
Lucy xxx
make up,
River Island,
topshop make up,
weekend wishlist,
Wednesday, 9 May 2012
The Lucy Diaries: Midweek Instagram (09/05/12)
1. Cosmo will Mollie from The Saturdays ❤ 2. OPI Nails in Atomic Orange 3. Puppy Patrick all wrapped up 4. Bedtime reading - love this book series! 5. Bath time 6. Mumma bought me back a BUCKET of milk + white chocolate Maltesers - help me! 7. Le maquillage 8. Outfit of the day - denim jacket, Topshop dress/tunic, skull scarf, leggings + Topshop boots 9. Tuesday afternoon reading to cheer me up 10. Strawberries ❤
Hello lovelies, I hope you're all having a lovely week so far. It seems strange writing this post what with the Bank Holiday weekend! This weeks a total jumble. I didn't really do too much this weekend, just babysit my brother + dog ha. Tried out lots of cooking for my future student life at University. Speaking of which I made my final offers yesterday - eek! Fingers crossed it all goes well and I get in. Better get revising for my exams right now if I'm honest...
I haven't got too much planned for the rest of this week. Hitting the gym tomorrow for the first time in just over a week, cannot wait. Illness and the Bank Holiday has totally messed up my regime so I'm very keen to get back on track!
This Saturday my boyfriend has a 'surprise' lined up for me... hmmm... I'm hoping it's something good and not just something that pleases him - *sigh* boys....
I'll let you all know how that goes....
Anyway, speak soon and hopefully there'll be a few more posts from me over the next week. Have a lovely rest of your week.
Lucy xxx
I haven't got too much planned for the rest of this week. Hitting the gym tomorrow for the first time in just over a week, cannot wait. Illness and the Bank Holiday has totally messed up my regime so I'm very keen to get back on track!
This Saturday my boyfriend has a 'surprise' lined up for me... hmmm... I'm hoping it's something good and not just something that pleases him - *sigh* boys....
I'll let you all know how that goes....
Anyway, speak soon and hopefully there'll be a few more posts from me over the next week. Have a lovely rest of your week.
Lucy xxx
cath kidston,
i heart paris,
lindsey kelk,
max factor,
mollie king,
real techniques,
the lucy diaries,
touche eclat,
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